バージョン 8.3.8

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Returns folders list for the given account

URL Format



Name Req Type Description
app_token string The api token for the given account. You can find the api token when navigating through account->api accounts
user_token string The user token for the given client. Is mandatory when use clientid param
apiv integer The api version; only version 5 supported.
sortby string The column to sort by. Can be {name, id) of assetFolder
sortdir string The sort direction. Can be {asc, desc}
start int Will return a subset of available folders. Used primarily for pagination. Default is set to 0
end integer Will return a subset of available folders. Used primarily for pagination. Default is set to start+20 Zero-based exclusive index: E.G. &start=0&send=4 will return 5 folders from the beginning.
inlcude_shared string filter for including folders which are shared from differnt acount to the given account
name string filter for name of the folders. For partial search use "%" before and after the string
id int filter for folder id for a given folder
clientid int filter for client id. Has to be allowed client id.

Request Headers


Possible Responses

  • 221 Folders Found
  • 1041 Invalid sort params
  • 1043 Folders not found
  • 101 Invalid client token.
  • 102 Invalid app token.
  • 659 Invalid Client

Example Response

  "response": {
    "success": {
      "code": 221,
      "message": "Folders Found",
      "details": ""
    "WsFolderResponse": {
      "folder": [
          "id": 42,
          "name": "Test Folder",
          "description": "Test Folder for QA Purposes",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-02-07T17:58:19Z"
          "id": 10897,
          "name": "singlepass-zencoder",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-02-07T17:58:19Z"
          "id": 11061,
          "name": "Taas_2011_WMV",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2012-10-01T18:17:03Z"
          "id": 11784,
          "name": "Iantest",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2013-05-10T20:03:19Z"
          "id": 13827,
          "name": "Documentation Assets",
          "description": "Contains assets used for API service docs and any other documentation that may need working assets. DO NOT DELETE.",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2012-10-01T18:18:33Z"
          "id": 14502,
          "name": "test folder dineesh",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2013-05-30T20:28:36Z"
          "id": 14536,
          "name": "KenTest",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-01-06T18:33:40Z"
          "id": 14539,
          "name": "MP3-Test",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-01-08T16:40:17Z"
          "id": 14544,
          "name": "EzFolder",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-02-25T14:56:22Z"
          "id": 14547,
          "name": "QATestFolder",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-01-06T18:33:40Z"
          "id": 14553,
          "name": "QATestFolder22",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2013-11-25T13:26:39Z"
          "id": 14560,
          "name": "Big File Folder",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-02-12T15:17:12Z"
          "id": 14561,
          "name": "1 Gig Copy Folder",
          "description": "",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-04-15T14:11:24Z"
          "id": 14567,
          "name": "BulkCopyFolder",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-01-08T19:11:23Z"
          "id": 14571,
          "name": "B_Share_Folder",
          "clientid": 73,
          "lastModified": "2014-04-15T17:36:32Z"
      "shared_clients": [
      "currentCount": 15,
      "totalCount": "15"